Zoo Now Mobile App

This app was designed with the intent to connect users to animals. Based on research, users

primarily enjoy watching videos of animals to relieve stress and enjoy fun content. Animal videos

have shown to have a calming effect on the mind.

Case Study

Brief: Design an end to end application

Brief: Design an end to end application

UX/UI Design

Zoo Now Mobile App

Zoo Now Mobile App

Why this app?

Animals entice audiences across all age groups. Per YouTube stats, 107,000 searches for “animal videos” occur monthly, not even accounting for related, more precise queries.

Research based on AZA accredited Zoos

Research based on AZA accredited Zoos

AZA-accredited facility: meets the highest standards for animal care and welfare. Leaders in education and conservation.

215 Accredited Zoos in the US.

23 Accredited Zoos World Wide.

"Animal Videos Are How We Escape the Internet" (While on the Internet)
-New York Times

How might we create a space where users feel happy to watch and learn about their favorite animals?

User Behavior

According to AZA reports there are 200 million visitors in a year across their 238 Zoos Worldwide.

"Why watching animal Videos is good for your brain"

"Why watching animal Videos is good for your brain"

"Why watching animal Videos is good for your brain"

Research Goals

Research Strategy

To understand the present user tendencies, I carried out a research by talking to individuals who presently view animal footage. These participants spanned the age group of 24-52 years old.

Interview Guide

Developed a guide for maintaining consistency by asking all users the same questions. Utilizing this manual, I carried out 7 user interviews. Findings were documented in Typeform and FigJam.

My Process

Below are key insights I derived from my user interviews, which later informed the design decisions I made.

Below are key insights I derived from my user interviews, which later informed the design decisions I made.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Conducted an analysis across four different Zoos. We focused on user interface elements, and user experience.

San Diego Zoo: Offers an app. Is more focused on maps and getting around the zoo. Had to go directly to website and navigate learning more about a specific animal.
Animals sorted by category (mammals, etc), no videos, colorful, has information. Positive experience.
Zoos in Antarctica: Zoo contains a list of what zoos around the world to see penguins. Helpful resource but stops there.
Oregon Zoo: Navigated to website, no app. Animals sorted by alphabetical name (pet name they were given. Minimal text.
Monterey Aquarium: Has videos/live/pre recorded.


Education Component

Most users were not gaining information or facts from the video. Primarily just watching an engaging fun video. But when interviewing most users stated they wanted to learn about the animal in the video they were watching.

Social Media

Users were watching animal videos on their social media platforms. Most users stated that their content was very mixed together. And would only see the video when it was shown to them.


100% of users in interviewed said that the animal videos made them happy.

Research Synthesis

After doing research on current user behavior as well as comparison to Zoos and how they highlight their animals. I was able to gain insights into how Zoo Now will benefit users as an app.

User Persona

User Persona

User Persona

My research revealed a clear persona. I gathered needs, frustrations, and current platforms used. Through out the design I referenced my persona to ensure my design aligned with user needs.

Other important factors

Where are these animals videos going to come from?

There are 238 AZA accredited zoos in the US.

Are these animals treated ethically?

Yes, We would only want to highlight zoos that are AZA accredited. To ensure animal welfare and conservation are a priority.

Number of Animals

780,000 animals in AZA accredited zoos. 8600 Species.

What would motivate a zoo to engage/ want to be featured on this site/app?

Zoos have an impact on the economy. Having more of an audience reached promotes more awareness to animal conservation, etc.

How would this be educational/ informative?

Out of the animals in the AZA accredited zoos. There are 800 vulnerable/ endangered

Why an app?

People care more when they can visually see something.

Lets Get Designing

Goals: Fun in real time videos. Include animals name,and some more information about them.
Create a personal and educational aspect.


i wanted the frames to be different than Youtube. And also not overly complicated.

Mid Fidelity Frames

Mid Fidelity Frames

Mid Fidelity Frames

My inspiration was a flash card but mixed with a video/ The card had some facts about the animal but was not overwhelming if the user was mainly there for the video.

Style Tile

Style Tile

Style Tile

Fonts and Colors that represent the brands identity.




Keeping colors for the components the same as the brands colors.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Instructions were provided to 5 users asking them to first Sign up or log in. In addition, instructions were given to ask the users to discover an animal.

Some Changes made after usability testing

Some Changes made after usability testing

The search feature was not needed on the footer, as users were utilizing the search bar to discover animals.
The camera icon to indicate watch live was a little confusing next to the animals name and was changed to a red live button at the top right hand corner.
On the animal card, users were selecting get to know me or watch live. And missing the "favorite" button. So it was added to the later frame. As well as moved to the top right corner where it was more prominent.

The search feature was not needed on the footer, as users were utilizing the search bar to discover animals.
The camera icon to indicate watch live was a little confusing next to the animals name and was changed to a red live button at the top right hand corner.
On the animal card, users were selecting get to know me or watch live. And missing the "favorite" button. So it was added to the later frame. As well as moved to the top right corner where it was more prominent.

Key Features

Watch Live Feature

Watch Live Feature

Users are able to learn fun facts about their favorite animals. A special feature that is offered is the ability to watch in real-time animals during their day to day activities.

This project creates a space where users can learn about their favorite animal, or endangered animals, and learn about other animals in Zoos around the world. Including a feature to watch the animals live.

Users are able to learn fun facts about their favorite animals. A special feature that is offered is the ability to watch in real-time animals during their day to day activities.

This project creates a space where users can learn about their favorite animal, or endangered animals, and learn about other animals in Zoos around the world. Including a feature to watch the animals live.

In conclusion, users are excited and happy to watch animal videos. While this app was designed to be engaging and informative. We would need to perform more testing on a larger group of people to determine if users will use the "about animal" section/ facts or if they are more interested in watching them live only.

In conclusion, users are excited and happy to watch animal videos. While this app was designed to be engaging and informative. We would need to perform more testing on a larger group of people to determine if users will use the "about animal" section/ facts or if they are more interested in watching them live only.

Want to work together?

Want to work together?

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© 2023 Janemarie Shea

© 2023 Janemarie Shea

© 2023 Janemarie Shea